
District 196 Community Education Summer Camps and Programs

15180 Canada Ave
Phone: (651)423-7920Email: communityed@district196.orgWebsite: Visit Website

Engaging, Fun & Learning for all ages!

 Engage, enrich and inspire your kids this summer. Have fun and learn with District 196 Community Ed! Enjoy a variety of lifelong learning opportunities for your engagement, enrichment and inspiration. 

Plan a fun-filled summer with Community Ed! Explore, engage and learn something new. Develop swimming and safety skills, giddy up on a horse, make-believe in a drama production, whip up a nutritious treat in the kitchen, step up your athletic skills with high school coaches, challenge your academic abilities in math and reading and there’s much, much more!

 Register now! Summer camps and classes are filling up fast. Page through our interactive catalog, click on a camp or class you want to learn more about and register.